Using a Test to Call All of the Tests in Your API Project
A powerful way to use the execute child test step is to create a test that runs all other tests in your API Project. Creating a "master" test to execute all other tests in your API Project can easily ensure that all endpoints and functionalities are working correctly together. This form of master test will fail even if a single step fails in any of its child tests so, this can be particularly helpful as it allows you to quickly verify that nothing has been broken due to a code change or 3rd party vendor status while also potentially simplifying your CI/CD integration. Additionally, it allows you to create a single master schedule for executing every test in your API Project.
To create a master test, you must create a test with an execute child test step for each test in your API Project that you want to execute. This method allows you to exclude a particular test or add a new test to the master test when you are done verifying the new test's functionality.

Updated over 1 year ago