Header Links and Icons
The header that you see when logged into most screens looks something like this:

An example header seen when viewing a hub.
You may see different links and icons
What you see in the header primarily depends on your permissions. You may not see some of these options.
- Logo - rapidapi.com users see a RapidAPI icon. Enterprise Hub users usually see their company logo. For more information on configuring a custom logo, see Theming and Language.
- Light/Dark Mode - You see this icon when you are viewing the API Hub (see item 4 below). Click this icon to toggle between light and dark modes in the API Hub.
- Search Box - You see the search box when your viewing the API Hub (see item 4 below). This allows API consumers to search for any APIs that they have access to.
- API Hub - This displays the APIs in your hub. API consumers use this to discover, learn, and test APIs in the hub. For more information, see API Listing Overview.
- Organizations - This displays any Organizations that you belong to, as well as links to managing your organization if you are an org admin. Organizations are entities containing teams. For more information, see Organizations Overview.
- Apps - This links to the Developer Dashboard and allows API consumers to view their API usage and API keys, among other things. For more information, see Developer Dashboard.
- My APIs - This links to Studio and is used by API builders (providers) to create, view, and manage APIs that are on the API hub. For more information, see Studio - Overview.
- Admin - (For Enterprise Hub customers only) If you are an environment admin in your hub, this links to the Admin Panel. For more information, see Admin Panel Overview.
- Approvals Center - This is used to view and manage approvals related to the hub. There are four main types of approvals in Rapid:
- Admin Approvals- (Enterprise Hub customers only) For environment admins, this is a link to the Admin Panel Approvals tab.
- Organization Approvals - If your are an org admin, this is a link to the Approvals tab of the Organization Dashboard.
- My APIs Approvals - If you are an API builder, this links to a page where you can approve or reject consumer requests to use your APIs' plans, and view the status of requests to make your APIs public. For more information, see Studio - My APIs Approvals.
- Apps Approvals - This links to the Approvals tab in the Developer Dashboard (Apps). This is used by API consumers to view the status of requests to use API plans that require an approval workflow. For more information, see Connecting to an API.
- Inbox - This is used to view and manage messages. There are three inboxes:
- Apps Inbox - This links to the Inbox tab of the Developer Dashboard (Apps). It allows API consumers to contact API providers and view announcements related to APIs you subscribe to. For more information, see Inbox.
- My APIs Inbox - This is where you can view and manage direct messages, discussions, and announcements between you an your API consumers. For more information, see Studio - My APIs Inbox.
- Organization Inbox - This is used to view messages from external API providers for APIs that the organization subscribes to. For more information, see Inbox (Organization Dashboard).
- Notifications - This is used to view any notices primarily related to API subscriptions and usage, such as a
quota limit reached
notification. - Help - This contains links to this documentation, as well as to support.
- Profile - Use this to view the logged in user, saved APIs, log out, and more.
Updated over 1 year ago