User Management
The Users tab allows you to see the users in the Hub. You can search for users by username or email address.
Users are uniquely identified by email address.
A user can have one of four statuses:
ACTIVE - The user can log in and use the Hub as usual. The user is counted toward any Enterprise Hub user license restrictions. No other accounts can be created with the same email address.
DEACTIVATED - The user can not log in and use the Hub. Any APIs (public or private) owned in the user's personal account will become private and not usable by any other users. It is recommended that if the user owns any APIs in their personal account that other users use, you transfer that API to a different user or team before deactivating the account. Any API subscriptions in the user's personal account will be deleted. The user is not counted toward any Enterprise Hub user license restrictions. No other accounts can be created with the same email address.
If the user is the only org admin for an organization, they can not be deactivated. To resolve this, either add another user as an org admin, or delete the organization. Then the user can be deactivated.
This user can be Reactivated or Deleted at any time (see the three-dot icon in the screenshot above). Reactivated users see the same user ID, APIs, apps, authorizations, and analytics that they saw before being deactivated.
DELETED - The user can not log in and use the Hub. Any APIs owned by the user in their personal account will be deleted. The user is not counted toward any Enterprise Hub user license restrictions. Any historic activity of the user in logs (for example, calls from the users to APIs or webhook events related to the user) will still be available. This user can not be reactivated, but a new user with the same email address can be created (except for historic activity in logs, this is effectively a new user).
PENDING - The user can not use the Hub until they are approved by an environment admin. The user is not counted toward any user license restrictions. No other users can be created with the same email address. If the approval is rejected, the user's status is Deleted (see above).
You can change a user's status using the three-dot icon on the far right in the screenshot above. After selecting the Deactivate, Delete, or Reactivate options, you will be presented an "Are you sure?" prompt and will be given one last chance to cancel the change in status. You can also change the user's status on the user details page (see below).
You can filter the list of emails by status by clicking on the icon in the Status column (see screenshot above). For example, to see only active users in the Hub, select only the ACTIVE checkbox:
User details
Click on the desired user to see additional details.
You can see information such as the user's email, username, and account creation date.
You can use the buttons in the Status area to change the user's status. This is the same as changing the status from the main user's screen (see above).
Under Activity, select APIs and depending on which tab you select (see the tabs such as Owner in the screenshot above), you can view APIs that the user owns, subscribes to, cancelled, and/or follows. Under Activity click on the Applications tab to view applications that the user has access to. Click Teams to see the teams the user is part of.
View user audit trails
Click Show user in Audit trails in the top right (see the screenshot above) to navigate to the Audit Trails tab with the username shown in the search (see screenshot below). Use this tab to view environment admin-related activity for the users. For example, this will include when and by whom the user's account was approved. If the user is an environment admin, you will also see records for that user's activity, such as approving other users, changing user's environment role, updating API collections, changing themes, and creating a user impersonation login.
Account deletion
As an environment admin, you can delete users in your environment using the main Users tab (see the first screenshot above), or by selecting the Users tab and then navigating to the specific user that you want to delete. Access their page and click Delete (see screenshots above).
User impersonation
As an environment admin, when logging in via email and password is turned on, you have the ability on the Hub to login and impersonate another user. This is also sometimes referred to as a Super User Login.
Impersonation enables the environment admin to imitate the behavior and actions of another user of the platform. This is typically used for support and debugging on behalf of a user.
Once you have located the user you want to impersonate, click Impersonate (see the top screenshot above).
This will generate a temporary password that is valid for one hour. With the user's email address and this temporary password, you can log in as the user.
Open the login page from an incognito window
Because you are required to be logged in to access the Admin Panel, it is recommended to open an incognito window or a separate browser session that will be used to impersonate the user.
Updated about 1 year ago