Org Approvals
Organization admins can approve or deny certain actions by developers in their organization.
Approving requests to make an API public
API builders can request to make team's API public from Studio. See Hub Listing - General Tab. If you are still using the Provider Dashboard, see (Legacy).
Organization admins will receive an email notification that a team has requested to make an API public. They will also see an indicator next to the Approvals tab in the Organization Dashboard(see below). From this tab, the organization admin can Approve or Reject the request to make the API public.
For enterprise customers
Once an API is public, it will not automatically be shown on the main API Hub page. An environment admin must add the API to a Collection.
APIs can also be made public using the Platform API. See Working with APIs (GQL).
Request to join an organization
Developers can request to join an organization in their email domain by navigating to the Join Organizations page from the Organizations dropdown in the top navigation. The page displays organizations that a developer can request to join. Requests must be approved by organization admins.
This feature must be enabled by an organization admin on the Organization Settings page.
The page displays organizations within the email domain that a developer can request to join. Requests must be approved by admins.
Approving requests to join an organization
Organization admins will receive an email notification that a user has requested to join the organization. They will also see an indicator next to the Approvals tab in the Organization Dashboard (see below). They can choose to approve or reject the requests by clicking the Approve or Reject links.
If the organization admin approves the request, they will be prompted with the Add User dialog (see below). They then choose the user's organization role (developer or organization admin) and one or more teams on which they will be a member.
Once the user has been approved, they will then have access to the Organization Homepage and to APIs used by their organization and team(s). If the user has been approved as an organization admin, they will also have access to the Organization Dashboard.
(Legacy) Requesting to make an API public using the Provider Dashboard
Studio is recommended (see Hub Listing - General Tab), but here is how to request making an API public using the Provider Dashboard.
After the developer makes the request, they will see a message that their request is pending. Once the org admin approves the request (see above) , the developer who made the request will be notified of the organization admin's decision on their Provider Dashboard.
Updated over 1 year ago