Create groups of public APIs to display on the API Hub page.
API collections can be used to group together public APIs with a common characteristic.
An API can appear in multiple collections
It is possible for one API to appear in multiple collections. This is unlike API Categories, where an API can only have a single API category associated with it.
APIs in a collection must be public
Only public APIs and spotlights can appear in collections. Private APIs can not be displayed on the API Hub page collections.
Creating and editing collections
To create an API collection, first navigate to your Admin Panel, then select the Collections tab.
Under the Collections tab, select the + in the bottom right corner.

Admin Panel Collections tab
Editing and deleting collections
To edit a collection, click the pencil icon to the right of the collection name on the Collections tab (see screenshot above). Then click Edit and add or modify your details. Make sure to scroll down and click Update Collection after editing a collection.
You can change the collection's display order/weight by dragging and dropping the + icon to the left of the collection name (see screenshot above).
You can delete a collection by clicking the pencil icon associated with the collection, scrolling down, and clicking Delete Collection.
You can define the following information:
- Title The name of the collection. This will be displayed on the API Hub page and when the user clicks View All next to the collection on the API Hub page. |
- Slugified Name Primarily used for search engine optimization (SEO) purposes and generates the URL to access the collection. |
- Brand Not currently used. |
- Items The list of public APIs and spotlights (see below) that will be grouped together in the collection. You can search for an API and click on it to add it to the collection. A gray box for the API will display under the Items. You can then clear the text in the text area to add more items. You can drag and drop the items to change their order within collection (see screenshot below). The top item is displayed first in the collection. |
- Weight Determines how high on the API Hub page that the collection will be displayed. The lower the weight, the higher it is displayed. For example, a weight of 1 will display at the top of the page. The relative weights of collections can also be changed by dragging and dropping their order on the main Collections tab in the Admin Panel. |
- Short Description (Optional) Appears as a subheading for the collection title on the API Hub page and when the user clicks View All next to the collection on the API Hub page. (see the last two screenshots below) |
- Long Description Displayed at the bottom of the API collection details page (see the last screenshot below). This field supports markdown and the editor has convenient toolbar support. The API collection page is displayed when the user clicks View All next to the collection on the API Hub page. Adding a good detailed description to the collection can help users make better use of the collection. This can also be used for search engine optimization (SEO) to increase the ranking of the API collection in organic searches for hubs made public. |
- Blog Post Id Not currently used. |
- Image Displays when the user clicks View All next to the collection on the API Hub page (see the last screenshot below) |

Drag and drop to change the order of Items. The top item appears first in the collection.
Collection spotlights
When grouping together specific APIs, you may want to include related resources such as blogs or tutorials. These can be helpful when exploring the API collection. Collection spotlights enable you to embed external url links within an API collection.
To add a collection spotlight, add or edit the collection and in the Items field, enter information in the following format:
spotlight:https://YOUR URL
Tips on adding spotlights
To add the spotlight to the collection, make sure to click on the icon or text that appears when you enter a URL (see screenshot below). Also make sure to scroll down and click Update Collection if you updating an existing collection.

Adding a spotlight to a collection.
Once a spotlight has been added to a collection, it will be display as a card within the collection on the API Hub page.

A spotlight added to a collection. Click View All to see collection details.
If the API consumer clicks View All next to the collection (see above), they will see the collection under Collection Spotlights (see below).

Collection spotlights when viewing a collection's details.
Updated almost 2 years ago