What is API Hub for Teams?


rapidapi.com feature only

API Hub for Teams is a feature of rapidapi.com. Enterprise Hub customers can create and manage organizations, as described in the other pages of this section.

API Hub for Teams is a place for you to publish, share and collaborate on internal and external APIs and microservices.

For Internal APIs

Design & Publish APIs - use RapidAPI to design API documentation & share it internally with a live API testing tool & code snippet generator

Secure APIs With Sharing & Access Control - use RapidAPI to define which Teams have access to APIs, or approve access on a case-by-case basis

OpenAPI - integrate RapidAPI into the development flow by uploading APIs with OpenAPI (Swagger) specs, and updating them from CI/CD flow

Unlimited APIs, Unlimited Teams - every RapidAPI subscription comes with publishing unlimited APIs, unlimited API calls and unlimited API Teams

For External APIs

Not only can you utilize RapidAPI for Teams to manage all of your private APIs, but you can also use it to manage your public API subscriptions.

Consuming Third-Party APIs

With over 20,000 APIs currently available on RapidAPI, you can start managing your teams' third-party API consumption through a single portal. Gone are the days of keeping track of which subscriptions your team has and keeping track of analytics in separate developer dashboards.

RapidAPI for Teams allows you to set up a single billing profile for your organization and manage all of your API subscriptions from a single dashboard.

Publishing your Team's APIs

In the same way that you can have multiple accounts manage your internal APIs, RapidAPI for Teams enables you to have multiple users managing your public APIs too.